Thursday 14 March 2013

Do people who exercise outlive others?

Just a mere 15 minutes of exercise per day can increase your lifespan by three years1! This statement is based on a recent study published in the journal Lancet. So it is true people who exercise regularly tends to live longer than those inactive types.

However, do hardcore exercise people who stick to extreme long cardio exercise like marathons, triathlons and long bike races outlive the moderates?

Not necessarily, according to a research, once you reach 40 to 50 minutes of vigorous exercise a day the benefits will plateau and beyond that duration actually will negate your health especially your heart. As Dr. James O'Keefe, a research cardiologist and a former elite athlete said '' Beyond 30-60minutes of aerobic exercise a day, you reach a point of diminishing returns''.2

Besides that, Dr. O'Keefe also commented that runner do live longer than non-runners by generally 20% but only runners who run 5-20 miles per week will benefit the most. Once you reach 25 miles or more per week, the benefits actually disappear2!

So let’s stay moderately fit.


1.       Minimum amount of physical activity for reduced mortality and extended life expectancy: a prospective cohort study. The Lancet, Volume 378, Issue 9798, Pages 1244 - 1253, 1 October 2011 doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60749-6.

2.       Wall Street Journal November 27, 2012

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